Transportation to X Games California

The X Games will be held in Ventura from July 21-23. Avoid the hassle of driving and parking by taking transit and alternative transportation! Find more information about the X-Games here.

Public transportation is highly recommended for this event. Below are the GCTD route options you can take to the X Games. Special service has been added by several transit operators to accommodate the event, that information is available here.

More Information:

Printed schedules, “Bus Books”, are available on all buses, at the Customer Service Center, and various locations around the county. A digital bus book can be found online.

You can use trip planning Apps like the GOVCBUS app here.

GCTD currently offers free rides to passengers over 75, college students (show college ID) and youth under 18 years old. Reduced fares (1/2 off) are available for seniors 65 and over. For paying passengers, the use of prepaid or contactless fare payment to pay the fare is strongly encouraged. For more information on services, fares, reduced fare programs, please call GCTD at 805-487-4222, Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm, or visit our Fares page.

pdfX Games GCTD Route Options